College Shop

Welcome to our College Shop

Opening hours during Term time:

  • Monday: 8.30am – 9.30am
  • Tuesday & Thursday:  8.30am – 9.30am and 2.30pm – 3.30pm

School Holidays

  • Closed throughout the school holidays, except for the final Friday of each holiday period, open from 9.00am until 3.00pm.

2025 Back to School

The College Shop will be open for back to school uniform sales on the following days:

  • Monday 20th January, 9.00am – 3.00pm
  • Wednesday 22nd January, 9.00am – 3.00pm
  • Thursday 23rd January, 9.00am – 3.00pm
  • Friday 24th January, 9.00am – 3.00pm

Additional opening hours for the first two weeks of Term 1 only:

  • Opening each day Monday – Friday
  • Morning 8.30am – 9.30am
  • Afternoon 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Uniform Policy and Price Lists

Please refer to the following files for Uniform Policy and Price Lists.

Uniform Fitting Bookings for 2025 Students

The College Shop now has bookings available for uniform fittings for students commencing in Early Learning, Foundation and Year 7 in the 2025 school year. One 15-minute timeslot must be booked per student. If you have two or more children that require uniform fittings, then additional timeslots will need to be booked. Uniform Fitting Bookings are only required for students commencing in Early Learning, Foundation and Year 7 in 2025.

Second-Hand Uniform Items

Sustainable School Shop is an online facility that enables parents to buy and sell second-hand Encounter Lutheran College uniform items online. Some of the benefits of the second-hand uniform trading system is that Encounter’s uniform lists are loaded into the system to make the ad listing and searching process easy and accurate. An ad matching service is also available for parents to receive automatic notifications when an item they are searching for has been listed. The Sustainable School Shop also provides a place for Encounter families to buy and sell musical instruments and text books.

All enquiries should be directed to the Sustainable School Shop on: 0438 743 444 or help is also available through ‘Contact Us’ on their website at

College Shop Online Ordering