Play & Learn – Preschool Programs
Books Alive! (Books in the Burrow)
Hello, my name is Meg Althorp and I lead one of Encounter Lutheran College’s pre-school programs called ‘Books Alive!’ (previously known as Books in the Burrow).
At Encounter we believe that it is vitally important to expose young children to literature. Reading books together from a young age helps your child become familiar with sounds, words and language, as well as develop early literacy skills. Your child will learn to value books and stories which in turn sparks their imagination and stimulates their innate curiosity.
Research also tells us that exposure to books helps further develop your child’s brain, their ability to focus and concentrate as well as foster social and communication skills.
Therefore, we’re very excited to re-launch our Books Alive! program for preschool children living on the South Coast. We would love to welcome new and existing families to connect and engage through books and book-related activities in a warm and nurturing environment.
WHEN: Every *Thursday, 9.00am- 9.45am during term time
WHERE: The Nest (Click to see map here)
COST: Free! No bookings required, just turn up.
Families welcome from 8.45am for free play. GPS Cafe will be open from 8.45am to purchase Coffee + Tea (Please BYO Keep Cup).
Bush Kindy
Hello, my name is Leah Reid and I am Encounter Lutheran’s Outdoor Learning Coordinator.
Here at Encounter we believe that children grow and learn best whilst engaging with nature. Therefore, we’re very excited to introduce our Bush Kindy program for preschool children living on the South Coast. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to welcome new and existing families to connect and engage through nature-based learning on our bush block.
At Encounter, we believe that exploration and play within natural environments promotes the health and wellbeing of children. Children who engage with nature can explore, create, imagine, collaborate, persist, negotiate and show care and empathy to others and the environment. Bush Kindy provides opportunities for children to grow and connect with others, whilst developing communication and self-management skills as well as building resilience and confidence. This preschool program provides the perfect opportunity to support your child’s transition to Early Learning and school at Encounter.
On Wednesday mornings you and your child are invited to connect with other families through authentic, nature and play based learning experiences.
So, what does that look like?
Hi my name is Georgena Eves, I work in the Nest as well as being a Junior School teacher.
Here at Encounter your child will be immersed in our beautiful environment on the Block of which we have 69 acres. Your child will get to experience our special piece of nature in all seasons to build and explore their identity. They will have the opportunity to share stories, use natural materials and have the chance to be creative and interact with each other. Each week, we will begin with a welcome under the big tree. Each week will be structured around a story book and include exploration, sensory experiences, physical challenges, nature craft, along with time for unstructured play.
We will also include simple bushcraft activities such as cubby building, simple flora and fauna identification and lots of songs and stories. We are very excited about you joining us for our Bush Kindy sessions and look forward to meeting your children.
WHEN: Every Wednesday 9.00am – 10.00am during term time
- Terms 1 and 4 at Horseshoe Bay, Port Elliot.
- Terms 2 & 3 under the Pine Tree next to the Wilderness Centre on Wurar Ruwi (Block 69) at Encounter Lutheran College. Parking is available in the rear College car park.
COST: Free! No bookings required, just turn up!
GPS Cafe will be open from 8.40am to purchase Coffee + Tea (Please BYO Keep Cup).
Encounter on Block69