We are excited to launch our updated version of the Encounter App.
Receive instant information, push notifications for urgent updates, College calendar details, newsletters and more. Key features of the new Encounter Lutheran College app include:
- Notices: The Notices button enables you to keep you informed with important information, with push notifications for urgent school notices. Within the ‘More’ button on the App footer, you can customise your subscriptions to receive information for specific year levels.
- Newsletters: Access the current and all previous Hearts & Minds College newsletters from the Newsletter button.
- Calendar: The Calendar button displays all events occurring in the current week or those that are up-and-coming. Events can easily be added to your personal calendar, or shared by clicking on the […] at the top of the calendar entry.
- Links: Access all of the most frequently used College services, links, documents and policies from Encounter.
- Seesaw: Easy access to our Junior School Learning Management System, Seesaw.
- SEQTA Engage: Easy access to our Learning Management System, SEQTA Engage.
- Contacts: Access key frequently used key contacts for Encounter Lutheran College.
- Absentees: Advise the College of an absentee for one or more of your children using the form which will populate with your child’s details. Notification can be made for a part day, whole day, or for a future absence.
- Business Directory: Support our parent community with the Encounter Lutheran College Business Directory. List your business or organisation for free using the form listed in the directory, or by clicking here.
Please find attached a User Guide which will assist you with setting up your Encounter App, and login for the first time.
If you already have the old version of the Encounter App installed on your phone, it will automatically install when you next update your phone apps. If not, you can search for “Encounter Lutheran College” in the App Store, or Google Play for Android devices. Please also ensure that you ‘enable notifications’ to receive the full benefits of the App.
We hope that you find this to be a useful tool to help you keep connected with the Encounter community.